Smarter Checklists – Capturing Your Real Estate Transaction Process!

Published by tcdocs on

Looking for something smarter than just a manual checklist on a spreadsheet or fillable PDF to track your transactions? Well tcDocs is just what you’ve been searching for!

One of the many inspirations for us creating tcDocs was the need for a better transaction checklist. We needed a checklist which captured the entire transaction process by automatically generating a schedule of events required to close a transaction. Capturing the transaction process is the heart of tcDocs!

To this end a task within tcDocs has the following capabilities:

  • Defines a step or contingency in your transaction process
  • The task is assigned a duration (number of days) to complete, or in the case of a contract contingency when it will lapse
  • The task’s number of days is used to automatically calculate its due date based on a transaction’s mutual acceptance, closing or even by the completion of a linked task


  • You may have as many checklists as you have agents or transaction types to mimic your transaction process
  • Depending on the transaction you are working, the custom-tailored checklist may be introduced into the transaction which will then define not only what needs to be done, but when, AUTOMATICALLY!

Like our users attest you will spend less time tracking transactions and more time attracting more agents!

If you would like to give tcDocs a go then please contact us for your free 14-day trial.